Friday, July 13, 2012

Non Lethal Self Defense Products - Their Legality and Effectiveness

Living alone, or having young children that depend on you for protection, can be a bit unnerving in this era of home invasions and push-in robberies. This is especially true if you are unsure of your ability to protect yourself should you ever become a target for one of these crimes.

In order to effectively defend yourself and your loved ones it is crucial for you to familiarize yourself with some of the self defense products that are on the market today. Since many homeowners do not feel comfortable with having a gun in the home, or may not posses the desire or have time needed to earn that black belt in Karate, a non lethal self defense product becomes a logical choice.

Pepper spray and Mace

One of the most popular and effective personal protection devices currently on the market comes in the form of an aerosol spray. These products, including the well known Pepper-Spray and Mace, are amazingly effective and compact, which makes them easy to carry around and conceal until they are needed.

In general, there are three major types of chemicals used in these sprays: CS, CN, and OC (Oleo-resin Capsicum). While the first two are actually types of tear gas, the third, OC or Oleo-resin Capsicum, is an inflammatory agent that is derived from the cayenne pepper. Tear gas works by irritating membrane tissues, causing a surge of mucous from the eyes, nose, and mouth. However, exposure to the active ingredient in pepper spray results in disorientation, temporary blindness, and restricted breathing. As someone that has seen its effects first hand, i can attest to its effectiveness. A well placed spray to an attackers face is usually enough to stop any and all aggression.

The Legality of pepper spray

When considering purchasing and using any product for self defense, it is important to understand the laws and legality as it relates to ownership and usage. While these products are non lethal, they should still only be used in situations in which one feels that there is a real and imminent threat of bodily harm. Since these defensive sprays are non lethal, some irresponsible individuals tend to use them more freely than they should. As a general rule you are not allowed to mace someone because of a disagreement over a parking spot,or a space in line at the supermarket and doing so will probably get you charged with assault.

When used correctly these products are extremely effective and can give a victim enough time to escape from an attacker and find help or shelter. Since these substances do not cause permanent damage, they are not commonly regulated by law and the necessity of a permit is seldom,if ever required.

A few special considerations

Pepper spray is often touted as offering idiot proof protection.This is true for the most part, but there are a few things you may want to keep in mind before attempting to use it in a real life situation. There are countless humorous stories of people unintentionally dosing themselves in the face with OC spray. These stories may seem amusing unless it happens to be you with your face on fire. During a hostile encounter your adrenaline is probably going crazy, but you need to take that one extra second and ensure that the spray is pointing away from you and towards the persons whose attitude is in need of an adjustment.

When being used outdoors, you also need to be aware of which way the prevailing wind is blowing. Attempting to spray someone with a strong breeze present, could end up leaving you incapacitated and much more vulnerable to an attack. As with any other self defense product, Pepper spray must always be used safely and efficiently in order to yield the best results.

Tasers and Stun Guns

Another popular option for self defense is the taser. These devices uses two small metal probes that are propelled by the release of compressed nitrogen into an attacker. Upon contact a powerful electrical current travels from the gun, through the connecting wire, to the two probes; thus, "stunning" or incapacitating the target.

This electrical current can travel through up to two layers of clothing, so it is very effective at stopping an attack. On contact, the individual that has been hit by a Taser will lose complete neuro-muscular control and the ability to perform any type of coordinated action. Some models even make the claim to be 100% effective at taking down an aggressor when used properly. If you choose to go this route it is crucial to choose a model that has an easy to engage safety mechanism in order to prevent any accidental firings that may injure an unintended target.

Some legal considerations

Due to the ability of this particular self defense device to deliver an electrical current that can basically scramble an individuals neuromuscular system, tasers should be used in only the most life threatening of situations and by a mature, educated handler. Some even strongly believe that these devices should be more accurately labeled as a less than lethal option due to the possibility for injury or even death if the target has an underlying medical condition.

Tasers can be legally carried and concealed in 45 states and the laws on these devices are more stringent than those regarding Oleo-resin Capsicum spray. Many states place restrictions on the types of places/buildings that stun guns may be present and some also implement age restrictions on their purchase and ownership.

When used in a responsible manner, non lethal self defense products are the perfect choice if you are looking for a way to keep you and your family safe.

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Self-Defense: Domestic Violence - Refuse To Be A Victim

Karen Heller is a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer which is one of the most respected newspapers in the country. She recently wrote a column on domestic violence. In her article she noted that the police department received 150,000 calls on domestic violence last year. The article also pointed out that many of the incidents of domestic violence are repetitive and for every incident that's reported perhaps as many as another ten go unreported.

And those are the figures for Philadelphia-one city, for one year. That can give you an idea of the scope and immensity of the domestic violence problem. For too long the issue has received no attention. Now it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon-good for them.

Domestic violence continues to be America's dirty little secret, as I call it. It is the most under reported crime in the country. It has been estimated that close to 60% of all women at some point in their lives will be the victim of domestic violence. Many of those victims for one reason or another do not report the crime. To me that is the conundrum. When female self-defense and personal security and personal safety are at stake why be a victim?

Some people feel that domestic violence is a learned trait; that young men see their fathers doing it with no repercussions then so figure it is okay for them to follow in their steps. I have never been able to figure that out, but then not everybody is raised with the same values, are they?

With the increased attention that domestic violence is getting, district attorneys and police departments are finally getting serious about prosecuting, especially repeat offenders-and there are plenty of them.

We have always maintained that women who are in an abusive relationship where domestic violence is an issue, need to develop an escape plan which usually includes calling on friends or neighbors or a local shelter for immediate relief. Sometimes a change of scenery will help. But usually drugs or alcohol are involved and the circumstances don't change.

So what are women to do? Get and learn how to use some self-defense products. A Potent Pepper Spray is usually the best for self-defense because it can disable an assailant long enough for you to get away and seek help and causes no long-lasting damage.

Know how to get in touch with local law enforcement authorities either via a 911 call or a friend who can get in touch with the police for you. There is no good reason at all why women have to put up with this kind of abuse when female self-defense and their personal security and personal safety are at stake. Refuse to be a victim.

This news article is brought to you by ADDICTIONS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Proper Use of Pepper Spray or MACE(C)

When using pepper spray we must consider several things, such as timing, aiming, shooting and shielding your eyes from blow-back in wind. If possible you should be standing balanced on both feet. You should warn the potential attacker by waving your free hand and shouting loudly to stop.

If you find it necessary to actually use the pepper spray or MACE©, make sure you pull the safety pin, aim at the face and eyes and keep spraying following their head until they get a good dose. Then run for help or protection. If it is windy, shield your eyes from blow-back and make sure your wash your hand before touching your face. To get full utilization out of the container it should be held upright.

You should keep your eyes open at all times to make sure you give your attacker a good dose in the face and eyes and when you see they are affected you can then run away. When you fine the need to defend yourself with a defense spray, do not hesitate or give the attacker a chance to take advantage of your hesitation. The spray will not kill or permanently harm them; it will just disable them for a period of time.

As I previously mentioned we are going to aim for the face, and you must hold the button or lever down for 2 to 3 seconds to make sure you get the attacker. If you are in doubt about coverage, spray again. Your biggest advantage is surprise. If you move quickly, you will alert and spray them before they know what happened. The shock of being sprayed will be as effective as the spray itself and leave them helpless for a short time. Don't give the attacker verbal warnings and wait for a response, or they will shield their eyes. Wave your arm, yell at them and shoot the spray at the same time.

Now is the time to run, drive away or seek help. Do not linger around to watch the effects of your MACE© spray. Different people will react in different ways. Someone with prior military or police training may have a higher tolerance for the chemical. They will still be disabled, but maybe not for as long a time. The amount of spray and how the attacker handles themself will also determine the effectiveness. The general reaction is to rub the eyes and that is the worst thing one can do. Always keep in mind that the objective is to disable your attacker and get away. Do not try to restrain the attacker, just get away. The effects can last from 5 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the type of spray used. The visible redness in and around the eyes may last for a few hours.

When you buy your pepper spray, take time to familiarize yourself with the container, safety pin or latch and how it fits in your hand. You should keep it handy and be able to produce it, disable the safety and have it pointed in the correct direction quickly, just as if you were pulling a gun in an old western shoot-out.

This news article is brought to you by DEPRESSION - where latest news are our top priority.

The Best Self-Defense Products For Women

For close to 7 years now manufacturers and inventors come to us with all kinds of new products that are mostly geared to women for obvious reasons-women need them much more than men do. They are looking for feedback on their ideas.

There are some products that work better than others for women and some products that are especially effective but for one reason or another are not high on the list of popularity. To be perfectly honest, the C-2 taser is an example. It is one of the most highly effective self-defense products in the world at nearly 100% stopping power. It was designed by Taser International specifically for women. And taser products are used by over 17,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States.

So why is the C-2 taser not so popular with women? In our opinion it is the cost. The least expensive taser you can get is $400.

When it comes to female self-defense and personal security and personal safety, several products stand out as being particularly effective. Here's a generic listing of the best self-defense products for women.

First on the list are pepper sprays. They are the largest selling and most popular of all self-defense products in the world. They use the resin of one of the hottest peppers, the cayenne, to make a spray that is effective at disabling an assailant in 90% of the cases. That high effectiveness rating, coupled with the fact that you can get a pepper spray for under five dollars in several places, makes pepper sprays the best of all self-defense products for women.

Second on the list are stun devices. Stun devices are a little bit more expensive than pepper sprays and are equally as effective at stopping an assailant. Stun devices, like pepper sprays, can be disguised as different products which makes them particularly effective in an assault situation.

Third on the list of best self-defense products for women are Panic Alarms. Personal alarms, as they are sometimes called, almost always have a key chain attachment and they are inexpensive. But the main reason they are so popular with women is that they are so effective. In an emergency situation a good panic alarm can sound a 120 dB alert drawing attention to your situation or scaring a potential assailant away.

For female self-defense and the personal security and personal safety of women, pepper sprays, stun devices and panic alarms stand out as being most effective.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to Safely Use Stun Guns

One of the most popular ways to employ self defense these days is the use of modern self defense methods. More and more people prefer to use them since they provide a lot of benefits. Among the most popular is the stun gun. Much like other non-lethal weapons in the market, its use is very convenient and it provides a lot of other advantages as well. They are very easy to use yet they are also one of the most efficient when it comes to repelling attackers or criminals. It has also been used by a lot of people for a long time so there is really no question that they are already tried and tested to work. It may not be a surprise to see all people choosing this as their main choice for self defense in the future. The use of stun guns though may also cause accidents or any untoward incidents which is why the safety of its use should be given high importance. It may be very easy to use and can be operated by most people, it is still essential that its use is not taken for granted to prevent anything bad from occurring.

First of all, people who choose to use this should read the safety and operating manual which comes with it upon purchase. Even if you think you know how to operate them, it is still best to read the manual as there might be other details that you do not know about. If the stun gun does not come with a manual, ask the seller or any experts about it for your own safety and for the safety of others too. People should also consider the shop where they will get the stun gun. It is important to know that the seller where you are buying from is an authorized seller of such weapons to avoid getting one which is substandard or inefficient. If you are unsure, you can do a little bit of research on the World Wide Web for more information about different stun gun models and authorized sellers. Different models are available in the market these days so you have many to choose from. There are those which are made specifically for use of civilians or regular individuals so unless you are a law-enforcement officer, this one is the right choice.

Another important thing to understand is that stun guns could also be a cause of certain accidents so never treat it like a toy or use it for any inappropriate activities. It can cause harm to you and to others as well so be careful. Irresponsible use of non-lethal weapons is also punishable by law. Keep it out of children's reach also since they may injure themselves using it. Stun guns should only be used for attackers or criminals in situations which are potentially dangerous. Choosing this type of self defense weapon is definitely a good decision but it is also part of the user's responsibility to make sure that they know how to safely use it and use it only when necessary.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Personal Safety Tips for Single Women

Women should take their personal safety seriously. There are several instances when they can become victimized. They have to be prepared at all times. They need to be able to protect themselves if the need arises.

Be conscious of what you are wearing. The type of clothes that you wear might not necessarily be the reason why you are going to be victimized. However, you have to select which clothes you are going to wear based on how comfortable you are going to be in them. Take into account whether or not it will be easy for you to run and fight inside the particular clothes and shoes that you chose to put on.

You may wear tight skirts and high heels on an ordinary day in a familiar neighborhood. But, you should be more careful if you are visiting a different location.

Walk like you have to be somewhere else. Don't walk idly down the street. Walk quickly and don't give by-standers the time to stop you on your tracks. You have to look confident and capable of protecting yourself. Women who look vulnerable may be more likely to be attacked. When you sense potential danger from a person coming towards you, you start with making eye contact. Police officers have advised that some criminals might think twice about going through with the attack if they think that they will be recognized.

Be conscious of what is happening around you. If you were able to detect danger early on, you will have more time to make your decision, run away or call for help. Also, leave your hands free. If you need to fight off an attacker, free hands will be an advantage for you. Just make sure that you have your phone within easy reach. Keep your phone inside your pocket or inside your bag so that you can make a call as soon as possible.

Have enough physical exercise. To be able to fight or run away from trouble, you need to have good endurance. You will be able to prepare yourself if you are getting enough exercise. Choose a particular exercise program which you prefer the most. Remember that most exercises will be able to help you improve your cardio-respiratory endurance. You just need to be consistent with doing the exercises.

Routines make it easy for us to go through our everyday lives. However, when talking about personal safety, sticking to routines might not be the most ideal thing to do. You have to change up the roads that you take when you are driving to and from home. You also need to vary the time when you leave or come back home. Changing up your schedule will make it harder for criminals to decipher where you will be at a particular time.

Consider arming yourself. You can buy a stun gun or a mace spray. You can have them inside your purse to keep you protected while you are out of the house. You may even have them as extra protection while you are inside your own home.

This article is brought to you by DATING.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Basic Self Defense for Women

It is no secret that those who are prone to attacks are women. In almost all places all over the globe, crime rates concerning women are higher most of the time. That should be given due attention and should be lessened, if not stopped, as soon as possible. Women should be equipped with the right knowledge and tools that they could use to avoid being places in potentially dangerous situations and to help them fight off any attacker as well. If women are able to defend their selves more efficiently, criminals would definitely be hesitant to attack them and this would certainly help lower crime rates worldwide. Women are now presented with different self defense options. They now could easily enroll in various self defense courses or training. There are also some gadgets which are available for sale to help them defend their selves from any attacker. Unlike in the past, they now have more options in which way to learn or implement self defense. Additionally, modern techniques are easier to learn and are more efficient as well.

It would not be too late to learn methods which you can use to defend yourself. For women, it would be very important to learn even the basic ones most especially that they are prone to attacks more often than men. Even if they are busy with their schedules, they can still opt to have crash courses or if not, learn how to use modern tools they could bring with them at all times such as stun guns, taser guns, pepper sprays, and the like. It does not mean that men are more physically stronger than women so there is no way that the latter cannot defend their selves from the former. It is understandable that most women are busy with their daily activities but given all the options they can choose to learn self defense, it would not be an excuse not to learn at least the most basic techniques. As long as women really want to learn how they could enhance their personal security, there would always be a way that they can be protected.

Contrary to what many people may think, it is not very difficult to understand and practice self defense. Dedication and self discipline are keys to learning them. There are law enforcement officers who can protect all of us but let us face the fact that they could not be there for us at all times. Anyone could be robbed or get attacked at any place and at any given time. The only person whom we can count on all the time is ourselves so we need to realize that it would be really very important to learn ways to protect ourselves. If we would not invest some of our time and would not commit, we basically could not learn self defense. What women need to do is to give it due importance as they won't know when they would need it. After all, it is always ideal to be prepared all the time.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Find the Best Self-Defense Spray Online

There is a huge craze for the non-lethal Mace spray for defense of women in the modern era. It is a time-proven idea to disable an attacker without touching him. Actually, Mace is a brand, the name of the popular company that provides a variety of defense sprays including pepper spray, Mace pepper foam, tear gas, and others.

What is Mace?

One should not be confused that the company that produces the Mace defense spray sells only pepper spray, because Mace is the manufacturer of a whole series of defense sprays. It is the leading supplier of various defense products including pepper spray, tear gas, and pepper foam. Other popular products of the company are Mace Double Action, Mace Muzzle, and Mace Triple Action.

Specific features of the Mace product:

You can verify the originality and utility of a Mace pepper spray on the basis of the following factors:

- Each and every Mace product is tested at the laboratory before being introduced to the market

- You can determine the manufacturing date of the pepper spray by reading the date stamp on the can

- You can determine the level of the spray left in the can with the help of an indicator marked on the can

Benefits of use:

Non-lethal Mace is useful especially for people who live alone. The easy-to-use pepper or tear gas spray is helpful for women, students, back-packers, and joggers to perform an instant and effective self-defense action without harming the assailant in a violent way.

Another advantage of the spray is that it can be carried anywhere, as it is available in a very small size known as the finger-tip size. It has the potential of ejecting a non-removable ultraviolet (UV) dye that leaves stains over the attacker's body so that law enforcement agents can easily locate the site of the application of the defense spray.

Mace helps a person to disable an attacker even if you are otherwise unarmed and have no other methods to repel the attacker. The spray is proven to be non-lethal as it carries a dynamic formula to temporarily blind the eyes of the assailant.

Mechanism of the spray:

Mace is a non-lethal, but highly inflammatory agent that causes severe irritation, coughing, inflammation of the lung tissues and burning sensation in eyes, nose, throat and skin for about 30 to 60 minutes. It affects the attacker with temporary blindness and difficulty in breathing for a period sufficient to allow the intended victim to escape.

If you are interested in keeping a Mace product with you at all times for self defense, you should make a selection from the range of products that are available from various online markets.