Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Find the Best Self-Defense Spray Online

There is a huge craze for the non-lethal Mace spray for defense of women in the modern era. It is a time-proven idea to disable an attacker without touching him. Actually, Mace is a brand, the name of the popular company that provides a variety of defense sprays including pepper spray, Mace pepper foam, tear gas, and others.

What is Mace?

One should not be confused that the company that produces the Mace defense spray sells only pepper spray, because Mace is the manufacturer of a whole series of defense sprays. It is the leading supplier of various defense products including pepper spray, tear gas, and pepper foam. Other popular products of the company are Mace Double Action, Mace Muzzle, and Mace Triple Action.

Specific features of the Mace product:

You can verify the originality and utility of a Mace pepper spray on the basis of the following factors:

- Each and every Mace product is tested at the laboratory before being introduced to the market

- You can determine the manufacturing date of the pepper spray by reading the date stamp on the can

- You can determine the level of the spray left in the can with the help of an indicator marked on the can

Benefits of use:

Non-lethal Mace is useful especially for people who live alone. The easy-to-use pepper or tear gas spray is helpful for women, students, back-packers, and joggers to perform an instant and effective self-defense action without harming the assailant in a violent way.

Another advantage of the spray is that it can be carried anywhere, as it is available in a very small size known as the finger-tip size. It has the potential of ejecting a non-removable ultraviolet (UV) dye that leaves stains over the attacker's body so that law enforcement agents can easily locate the site of the application of the defense spray.

Mace helps a person to disable an attacker even if you are otherwise unarmed and have no other methods to repel the attacker. The spray is proven to be non-lethal as it carries a dynamic formula to temporarily blind the eyes of the assailant.

Mechanism of the spray:

Mace is a non-lethal, but highly inflammatory agent that causes severe irritation, coughing, inflammation of the lung tissues and burning sensation in eyes, nose, throat and skin for about 30 to 60 minutes. It affects the attacker with temporary blindness and difficulty in breathing for a period sufficient to allow the intended victim to escape.

If you are interested in keeping a Mace product with you at all times for self defense, you should make a selection from the range of products that are available from various online markets.

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