Friday, July 13, 2012

Non Lethal Self Defense Products - Their Legality and Effectiveness

Living alone, or having young children that depend on you for protection, can be a bit unnerving in this era of home invasions and push-in robberies. This is especially true if you are unsure of your ability to protect yourself should you ever become a target for one of these crimes.

In order to effectively defend yourself and your loved ones it is crucial for you to familiarize yourself with some of the self defense products that are on the market today. Since many homeowners do not feel comfortable with having a gun in the home, or may not posses the desire or have time needed to earn that black belt in Karate, a non lethal self defense product becomes a logical choice.

Pepper spray and Mace

One of the most popular and effective personal protection devices currently on the market comes in the form of an aerosol spray. These products, including the well known Pepper-Spray and Mace, are amazingly effective and compact, which makes them easy to carry around and conceal until they are needed.

In general, there are three major types of chemicals used in these sprays: CS, CN, and OC (Oleo-resin Capsicum). While the first two are actually types of tear gas, the third, OC or Oleo-resin Capsicum, is an inflammatory agent that is derived from the cayenne pepper. Tear gas works by irritating membrane tissues, causing a surge of mucous from the eyes, nose, and mouth. However, exposure to the active ingredient in pepper spray results in disorientation, temporary blindness, and restricted breathing. As someone that has seen its effects first hand, i can attest to its effectiveness. A well placed spray to an attackers face is usually enough to stop any and all aggression.

The Legality of pepper spray

When considering purchasing and using any product for self defense, it is important to understand the laws and legality as it relates to ownership and usage. While these products are non lethal, they should still only be used in situations in which one feels that there is a real and imminent threat of bodily harm. Since these defensive sprays are non lethal, some irresponsible individuals tend to use them more freely than they should. As a general rule you are not allowed to mace someone because of a disagreement over a parking spot,or a space in line at the supermarket and doing so will probably get you charged with assault.

When used correctly these products are extremely effective and can give a victim enough time to escape from an attacker and find help or shelter. Since these substances do not cause permanent damage, they are not commonly regulated by law and the necessity of a permit is seldom,if ever required.

A few special considerations

Pepper spray is often touted as offering idiot proof protection.This is true for the most part, but there are a few things you may want to keep in mind before attempting to use it in a real life situation. There are countless humorous stories of people unintentionally dosing themselves in the face with OC spray. These stories may seem amusing unless it happens to be you with your face on fire. During a hostile encounter your adrenaline is probably going crazy, but you need to take that one extra second and ensure that the spray is pointing away from you and towards the persons whose attitude is in need of an adjustment.

When being used outdoors, you also need to be aware of which way the prevailing wind is blowing. Attempting to spray someone with a strong breeze present, could end up leaving you incapacitated and much more vulnerable to an attack. As with any other self defense product, Pepper spray must always be used safely and efficiently in order to yield the best results.

Tasers and Stun Guns

Another popular option for self defense is the taser. These devices uses two small metal probes that are propelled by the release of compressed nitrogen into an attacker. Upon contact a powerful electrical current travels from the gun, through the connecting wire, to the two probes; thus, "stunning" or incapacitating the target.

This electrical current can travel through up to two layers of clothing, so it is very effective at stopping an attack. On contact, the individual that has been hit by a Taser will lose complete neuro-muscular control and the ability to perform any type of coordinated action. Some models even make the claim to be 100% effective at taking down an aggressor when used properly. If you choose to go this route it is crucial to choose a model that has an easy to engage safety mechanism in order to prevent any accidental firings that may injure an unintended target.

Some legal considerations

Due to the ability of this particular self defense device to deliver an electrical current that can basically scramble an individuals neuromuscular system, tasers should be used in only the most life threatening of situations and by a mature, educated handler. Some even strongly believe that these devices should be more accurately labeled as a less than lethal option due to the possibility for injury or even death if the target has an underlying medical condition.

Tasers can be legally carried and concealed in 45 states and the laws on these devices are more stringent than those regarding Oleo-resin Capsicum spray. Many states place restrictions on the types of places/buildings that stun guns may be present and some also implement age restrictions on their purchase and ownership.

When used in a responsible manner, non lethal self defense products are the perfect choice if you are looking for a way to keep you and your family safe.

This news article is brought to you by EXOTIC PETS - where latest news are our top priority.

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