Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Best Self-Defense Products For Women

For close to 7 years now manufacturers and inventors come to us with all kinds of new products that are mostly geared to women for obvious reasons-women need them much more than men do. They are looking for feedback on their ideas.

There are some products that work better than others for women and some products that are especially effective but for one reason or another are not high on the list of popularity. To be perfectly honest, the C-2 taser is an example. It is one of the most highly effective self-defense products in the world at nearly 100% stopping power. It was designed by Taser International specifically for women. And taser products are used by over 17,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States.

So why is the C-2 taser not so popular with women? In our opinion it is the cost. The least expensive taser you can get is $400.

When it comes to female self-defense and personal security and personal safety, several products stand out as being particularly effective. Here's a generic listing of the best self-defense products for women.

First on the list are pepper sprays. They are the largest selling and most popular of all self-defense products in the world. They use the resin of one of the hottest peppers, the cayenne, to make a spray that is effective at disabling an assailant in 90% of the cases. That high effectiveness rating, coupled with the fact that you can get a pepper spray for under five dollars in several places, makes pepper sprays the best of all self-defense products for women.

Second on the list are stun devices. Stun devices are a little bit more expensive than pepper sprays and are equally as effective at stopping an assailant. Stun devices, like pepper sprays, can be disguised as different products which makes them particularly effective in an assault situation.

Third on the list of best self-defense products for women are Panic Alarms. Personal alarms, as they are sometimes called, almost always have a key chain attachment and they are inexpensive. But the main reason they are so popular with women is that they are so effective. In an emergency situation a good panic alarm can sound a 120 dB alert drawing attention to your situation or scaring a potential assailant away.

For female self-defense and the personal security and personal safety of women, pepper sprays, stun devices and panic alarms stand out as being most effective.

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